No more English.

I have been unfocused on English Literature. It requires tremendous amounts of books, reading and analysis; I can’t study it anymore 😦 It requires a lot of attention, something I can’t afford to pay anymore. So, no more notes on English Literature 😦 I might switch to Business Studies, which is hopefully, a lot less analytical. I just need a subject which requires more understanding than analysis. I might change the decision on the subject choice. I had to accept that the past few months, ever since switching my medication, things weren’t going well for me.

I keep sighing all over the place. I got really unrealistic that I could study this subject with my……mind. So I can’t. I used to be able to study for long hours, without break. Now I can’t anymore. My physical and mental health isn’t quite optimal and I need less resistance to my well-being. It took me months to accept this, I wish I accepted this sooner.

Image by Paul Militaru

Mon Never Learns

Hi. I am Mon. I am delicious. I am also a lazy-ass person.

I am 19 years old (I find 19 year-olds in First-Posts 70% of the time :o). I am Woman, hear me score (exam marks. I just wanted it to rhyme, Doh. Cheers with a cup of healthy Green Tea to that!).

I created this space to note down specific things I learnt from Textbook(ies). I will sit for A’ Levels for Business Studies, Accounting and Mathematics. That’s a crazy combination of subjects, meknows (if youknows).

This isn’t my first time blogging; I blog at Transcend (FOLLOW ME I AM A DESPERATE HOUSEWIFE NOT!! ) to share my daily musings, often with a touch of silly(sious)ness.I am funny(sious). Now I am not(sious)

The Title of this blog, Mon Never Learns, is the reason for this blog: Umm…is that, Mon Never Learns (Mon is me, in case you skimmed through the post :P) Besides textbooks, I have to get hit in the head for life to teach me anything.

The strange tag-line, Theoritics + This Feely ImagiNative, is to show you guys that education is basically theoritics 😦 And I wish I learnt it the fun way. I am a Native of my (crazy) emotions and (of course, crazy) Imaginations. Hence, ImagiNative.

Did you read through that? In that case, enjoy ma’ babies (Babies=blogs; You won’t get it unless you’re a blogger)

Image Credit: My good friend Paul 🙂