Day 6. Accounting.

Yeah. Kind of didn’t want to update the last couple of days xD

So, without further ado..

What’s accounting? Why the f*ck do we need it?

Damn. Well, accounting. Hmm….we need it because we like control. We like having an order (except me, I am too lazy) and we don’t want uncertainty. It’s our basic need to be safe. To not want to worry. People with OCD, like me, will know what I mean: There’s no such thing as being too careful. And accounting, if you learn it, you will know all the pathetic sh*t businesses sweat over, all the petty things they record, just for the fear of uncertainty in businesses.

But, in accounting terms, (LOL) accounting means classifying (well, duh. We aren’t going to pick crap because this maths is crazy big.But we still do because….uncertainty!) and summarizing (I don’t understand this part, but I think it has something to do with doing the maths thing) transactions and events.

Image: Paul Militaru

8 thoughts on “Day 6. Accounting.

  1. Have I mentioned that I hate accounting and see no use it in? I know it’s just my logical side saying Hey there is an easier way to do this. Good luck!

  2. accounting was what i went and got a college degree in.. for those exact same reasons, as a safety net! 😀 it wasn’t until later that I realized that I’d rather shoot myself in the foot than do it for a living, though. :,(

    as far as interfacing with the government and planning out your own business though, it does help a LOT. (though there is a saying that accountants can be extraordinarily bad @ balancing their own checkbooks! :P)

    • Damn, sorry Xeno 😥 I know, being in INFP, it’s truly difficult to consume numbers and calculations when your mind floats a lot 😦

      Hmm…I am planning on starting a business, but people say I don’t need it, that I can hire accountants for that xD But Mom says I should still study it, in case accountants use tricks to steal mo’ money xD I don’t know how accountants can do that though

      Really? No wonder my own Maths don’t work 😥 No…..wonder.

      • it’s a useful skill to have, i think. accountants can get expensive since they need money to compensate their desire to shoot themselves, xd.

        accountant tricks = ‘cooking the books’, quite popular for businesses who solicit investors for funds. A perfect example of that would be Enron, a publicly traded corporation in the U.S. that went bankrupt because the executives were shady as f

        The documentary, ‘Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room’ would explain how it would work in layman’s terms. ^_^

      • WOW! Mama’s really right! 😮 LOL, I will keep that in my To-Do list, right now my sound system isn’t working so no use listening to anything online 😥 Thanks Xeno! LOL that was fun to read xD Yes, accountants need more money because calculating every ounce of transactions is crap 😥 Love, Mon

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